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  • How much do you charge?
    Luxe £900 – Full day shoot, online password protected picture gallery. Options to download all at once or individual images. Deluxe £1,100 – Full day shoot, online password protected picture gallery. Options to download all at once or individual images, 12 x 12 inch coffee table photo book with 40 images. Super Deluxe £1,600 – Full day shoot, online password protected picture gallery. Options to download all at once or individual images, 12 x 12 inch Jorgensen traditional wedding album with 80 images. Portraits, events and other/shorter weddings If you have an interest in portraiture, an event or commercial images for your business or brand, please contact me to discuss pricing. Prices vary depending on the ask but family portrait sessions start from £275 for approximately two hours. Shorter weddings are based on £100 an hour, minimum booking is two hours.
  • I /we don’t like having our photo taken! Now what?
    Don’t worry – the best pictures are captured when you don’t notice I’m there. I’ll give a little bit of direction during the couple shots and group shots, but most of the time I’ll be discreetly out of the way – my advice “pretend I’m not there!”
  • Can you change your style for us?
    It’s important you like my approach to wedding photography before you book me, this should be apparent by looking at my images, reading my blogs and meeting me for a chat. While I encourage you to tell me as much as you want about what you’d like, all photographers should remain true to their style. I welcome comments such as “please get a photo of my dad and brother’s together” but I won’t drastically change my shooting or processing style.
  • What and who will you take photos of?
    I am a documentary photographer and I take photographs of the story unfolding as I see it from my frame of reference – I believe this is what you employ me and entrust me to do. There is a section on ‘artistic license’ in my contract, if you’d like to see it I’ll send you a copy. You may very well have a short list of group photos you’d like me to capture and possibly some special requirements – such as a natural photo of my dad and I together etc – if so, it is important you share this with me prior to the wedding day. There is a section on the contract specifically for any such requirements.
  • Will you shoot the bride AND the groom getting ready?
    It’s not easy to be in two places at once so I tend to concentrate on the bride getting ready with my prep-shots. If the guys are near by and there is enough time I will try my best to get to them too for a few shots of final stage prep. If distance, traffic and other factors such as parking are looking like they will cause a lot of stress then I will most likely recommend I just shoot the bridal party getting ready. We can discuss this when we meet.
  • Do you do group shots and how?
    Yes I do, I think they are important keep-sakes for the future and I encourage anyone thinking of not having them, to think again. Once you’ve decided on who is going to apper in which shot, the fun begins. Trying to get everyone to smile, look at the camera and keep their eyes open for the shot is a tall order. As too is rounding up the sometimes reluctant participants – the phrase ‘herding rabbits’ springs to mind. I've devised some strategies that aim to help this process, see the list below. Decide on a list ahead of time and share this with me before the day. Include names so I can call them out on the day. Limit group photos to around eight in total. Please let everyone know what shots they will be in ahead of time so there are no surprises on the day. Let’s stick to the list we’ve agreed. Allow me to ask guests to pop their drinks down and remove sunglasses as we go into the shot. When its time for me to share the phots with you, I aim to provide one good photo from each group shot taken. It is my opinion than more than one isn’t needed as the people in the shot and the arrangement of the people are the same. The reason I take more than one is it is hard to see if everyone’s eyes are open, in bright sunlight, on screen, post shot. Occasionally I deliver more than one photo for a specific group shot.
  • Do we sign a contract?
    Yes, it is pretty simple and fair and has been looked at by a solicitor (who was a client actually). I can not guarantee I will be able to shoot your wedding unless this contract is returned to me, signed (type your names in using Word) with all group shots and any special requirements listed – within one week prior to the wedding.
  • Will you get hungry?
    Yes, ravenous! Please talk to the caterers and make sure you provide me with a meal at the same time as main course is being served to you and the guests. I get weary and hungry and an energy top-up at this point is vital. I get to relax while you eat and I can review my work so far. Plus I’m a bit of a foodie so I’d get very sad if I smell the delicious meal but don’t get a bite!
  • When and how will I first see my photos?
    Give me about two weeks from your wedding for me to edit, process, export and upload to your online gallery. It will appear in the client area of my website and will be password protected, either with a password of your choice or one I’ll make one up and let you know what it is. The images that you see in the gallery are what I am delivering to you and these indeed would be the images you would receive in both colour and black & white when you receive your USB drive. These are the images that I deemed to have ‘made the grade’ so to speak. The reasons I don’t include every single photo I shoot are many, it can be that one or more people had their eyes closed, that the crop of the shot was poor, that the exposure wasn’t great, a person’s expression wasn’t flattering and so on… It may be that I miss a key cluster of guests when sharing the gallery with you the first time round so I urge you to ask if you feel there may be something specific missing, but bear in mind it is likely I’m showing what I’m showing for a good reason.
  • How many photos should I expect to receive?
    That will vary a bit depending on the package booked, number of guests, activities during the day, etc. I usually deliver approximately 250-300 photos for a full day. I prefer an ethos of “quality not quantity”. A photographer I respect and admire greatly once framed it like this… “imagine tipping 250 printed photographs onto a coffee table, that’s a lot of pictures.” I urge my clients to be content with the lovely photos they do receive, not obsessed with a ‘more, more, more’ mindset.
  • When and how will I first see my albums/books?
    I can’t offer a guarantee timings for showing you your first album proof, there are so many variables such as how long it takes you to send me your image selection, how many weddings I have at the time and any personal commitments I may have, but normally allow two to three weeks for first proof and approximately two to three weeks for delivery once final sign off has been approved by you. I show you a proof of the album or book using a web link, its pretty good! Image file names for your album can be supplied to me as a list in an email by copying and pasting them from the gallery. Small albums are limited to 40 images and large albums 80 images. Only images taken by myself, my agreed second shooter or nominated shooter can be included in albums. I am allowed full artistic licence to produce layouts that are in my mind stylish, contemporary and reflect my style of work. My other job is a graphic designer so I hope you feel confident in allowing me to produce your album layouts. I allow for one round of changes to be made, if after my second proof to you – image selections and layout still cannot be agreed upon, I reserve the right to issue a full refund for the book or album and recommend a supplier so that the work can be carried out by yourself.
  • What about copyrights?
    I keep the copyright to the photos, and that means I can use them to promote my services online and via social media and in print. If for any reason you'd rather I didn't, please just say so and I will respect your wishes. You’ll receive unlimited rights to share and print the images. This basically means you can do anything you like with them, on any media, as long as it’s not for commercial gain. Having said that I’d be sad to see the photos appear drastically cropped, re-touched and reproduced in a manner inconsistent with my style.

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